Arsip untuk Kultur jarinngan


Posted in Kultur Jaringan Tanaman with tags , , , , , , , , , , on Maret 23, 2010 by Fabianus Dartus

Perbanyakan Tanaman Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera L.) Pada Beberapa Taraf Konsentrasi BAP dan 2,4-D secara In vitro

The effect of 2,4-D and BAP on the In vitro propogation of Aloe vera

Fabianus Dartus di bawah bimbingan Dr. Iriawati dan Ir. Heru Sugito, MP

Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati Institut Teknologi Bandung


Aloe vera (L.) is currently in great demand for various commercial products. Natural propogation of Aloe vera need a longer period of planting. Therefor, tissue cultur can be used as an alternative method for propogation of Aloe vera. Purpose of research conducted at the installation Germination PPPPTK Tissue Culture Laboratory of Agricultural VEDCA Cianjur in West Java from March to August 2009. This study aims to determine the concentration of BAP and 2,4-D is optimum in the Aloe vera propagation in vitro. Exsplant Aloe vera is used as planting material obtained from the Department of Agriculture PPPPTK installation VEDCA plantations used Cianjur. Apical buds used as an axplants. The explants were sterilized using bud was washed in running water and detergent soaked with 2 g / l and then rinsed and sterilized again with fungicides and bactericidal 2gr / l, 70% alcohol, bayclin 20%, 10%, and 5%, and antiseptics. Sterile buds were than grown on solid Murashige and Skogg (MS) supplemented with of various concentrations of BAP level: 0 ppm (A 0), 1.25 ppm (A 1), 1.5 ppm (A 2), and 1.75 ppm (A 3), and 2,4-D: 0 ppm (B 0), 0.25 ppm (B 1), 0,50 ppm (B 2), and 0.75 ppm (B 3). Exsplants percentage shoot Aloe vera lived during the observations was 96.83%. The results showed that the optimum medium for shoot induction and multiplication after 8 weeks of observations obtained on medium containing 1.75 ppm / l BAP + 0.25 ppm / l 2,4-D provides a very real influence with the number of shoot 4.67± 1.15 shoot. Single factor BAP also provides a very real impact on the concentration 1.5 ppm / l BAP with 6.67 ± 2.08 number of shoots on the medium initiation. The optimum medium for shoot induction and multiplication on solid medium 1.75 ppm / lBAP + 0.25 ppm / l 2,4-D produced 4.67 ± 0.57 shoot. Performed on rooting medium with the addition of IBA, the optimum from the results showed that the largest number of roots obtained in medium containing 1.5 ppm / l IBA produce roots 3.67 ± 0.58 roots. Aloe vera Plantlets obtained from tissue culture medium acclimatization the planting of manure, charcoal, husk, sand (1:2:1) in a small pot and given a shield of plastic bottles.

Keywords; Aloe vera (L.), Propagation, In vitro technique, bud induction media, BAP, 2,4-D

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